
Are health services of good quality in Turkey?

Turkey hosts tens of thousands of people from all over the world every year with the health services it offers. The country, which complained about the quality of hospital services only 20 years ago, now provides better quality and cheaper health services than European countries.

Turkey hosts tens of thousands of people from all over the world every year with the health services it offers.

The country, which complained about the quality of hospital services only 20 years ago, now provides better quality and cheaper health services than European countries.

Recep Akdag, one of the former Health Ministers of the AK Party government, says:

“When we arrived, we were working with 18 MRI devices in SSK and state hospitals. To whom would you manufacture the MRI device and sell it? There was no one to sell to. Today, nearly 300 hospitals have MR devices. Same with dialysis devices. While the number of intensive care beds was 869 in 2002, it was 9,400 in 2011. These beds are a complete technological unit and contain many devices. What if the device is produced when there are few beds? We have increased the number, but these are materials that need to be renewed. Their lifespan is 3-7 years. Depends on your device. In addition, technology develops, devices with new technical features are made. Existing ones are replaced with them. This means that what is produced will be resigned. For example, increased the burn bed from 35 to 367. While there were a total of 1,500 dialysis devices, only 4,500 devices were used in the public sector. If you want to have an MRI in Spain today, it costs 250 euros. While in the USA it is a thousand-500 dollars out of your pocket for MRI, it is 80 TL in Turkey. We purchased most of the devices in the Ministry of Health through service procurement. We offer excellent health care to our own people, but on the other hand, we create an area to welcome patients from Europe and all over the world. This area required us not to increase our limited number of staff. We are doing this.”

Turkey in the Covid-19 process

Turkey also exhibited a successful process management during the Covid-19 process. The Turkish health system, which took precautions from the very beginning of the process, prevented the crowding in hospitals. On the other hand, although the number of daily cases is not less than European countries, the health system in the country has never collapsed.

Although Turkey is not among the countries producing vaccines, it is also among the best countries in the world in terms of vaccination. This situation even attracted the attention of Western countries.

The RTL Nieuws channel, broadcasting in the Netherlands, covered the work of the medical teams in all weather conditions to vaccinate the elderly all over Turkey.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared the news with the sentence “We have many reasons to be proud of this country“.

5 thousand tourists come annually for hair transplantation

Studies on hair transplantation in Turkey are well above world standards. For this reason, more than 5 thousand tourists come to Turkey for hair transplantation every month. Hospitals and tourism professionals act together.

Turkey is one of the countries where you can do hair transplantation in the safest way.

Turkey hosts many visitors for hair transplantation as well as for compulsory medical operations due to various health problems. Affordable prices, professional service, Turkey’s natural and historical beauties are among the main reasons why patients come to Turkey.

Prices for hair transplants, which rise to 10-15 thousand euros in Europe and up to 30 thousand dollars in the USA, average 4-10 thousand TL in Turkey. In other words, you can have your hair transplant in Turkey for less than 1000 USD.

Turkey provides cheap and high quality services, especially in hair transplantation.

Physicians in Turkey are experts

One of the most important factors that brings Turkey to the top in health services is the expertise and experience of physicians. With the effect of the general understanding and education system in Turkey, the first choice of intelligent and successful students is usually medical faculties.

On the other hand, due to the population density and structure, the number and diversity of cases encountered by doctors in their fields of expertise is quite high compared to many developed countries. This increases the opportunity for “on-the-job training” for doctors and provides an opportunity for significant experience. These two cases ensure the high quality of medical personnel in Turkey.

The points that make Turkey a center of attraction in health services can be summarized as follows:

Health service above world standards

Strong health technology infrastructure and high bed capacity

Number of accredited health institutions and organizations

Number of specialist physicians in different fields

Advanced technology treatment methods

Competitive price level

Personalized treatment methods

Foreign language speaking service personnel

Short waiting times

Complementary and alternative medicine opportunities in addition to traditional medicine methods

All these features attract tourists visiting the country for health purposes or people who want to maintain a healthy life after retirement and benefit from high quality health services.

Low treatment fees in Turkey

Although the first factor affecting the decision of those who prefer Turkey for health services is the advanced health service above world standards, one of the most important reasons feeding this decision is the competitive price advantage.

This situation does not mean that health services are cheap in Turkey, but generally means that the cost of living is cheaper in Turkey and therefore the medical treatment and operation costs in Turkey are quite affordable compared to many European countries. According to the OECD hospital services price index, Turkey is among the countries with the lowest index with 41 indexes compared to the average of 100. While the European Union average is 91, the USA is among the highest countries with an index of 115. Switzerland stands out as the country with the highest index with 115.


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